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AMERICA PROCLAIMS seeks authentic relationships with Christ Centered Christians throughout the US and beyond who desire to pursue and obey the heart of God regarding these 4 areas: Self Repentance & Revival (2 Chronicles 7:14), Oneness within the Body of Christ: Beyond Denominations (Psalm 133:1), Racial Reconciliation, and the Return of Glory towards Effective Evangelism (John Chapter 17).

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4One Events are Evangelistic, Missional, and Arts based, and increase Revival in the Hearts of God's People. 

TheMOVEMENT: AMERICA PROCLAIMS creates innovative 4One Events with experiences that engage secular & Christian communities, bringing the full Gospel of Jesus Christ to God's Creation.  

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Who Are You? Where Do You Fit? 

Christ Centered 

Parents     Students     Pastors

Educators   Business Owners

Young Adults    Seniors

Military   Community Leaders

Principals  Grandparents 

Attorneys   Youth Leaders

Child Advocates   Citizens  

Philanthropists   Law Officers

Career Professionals 

and You! 

AMERICA PROCLAIMS: Christ Centered Artists 

Dancers   Worshipers   Graphic Artists   Audio Technologists    Costume Designers   News Writers   You   Spoken Word   Step    Banner Design   Comics   Rap   Flags   Radio Announcers   Make Up Artists   DJ's   Publicists   Mimes    Your Creative Gift    Crafts   Psalmists   Actors/Actresses   Clowns   Models    Your Innovative Self   Story Telling   Fashion Design   Architects   Furniture Design   Sports  Your Unusual  Creativity  TV Commercials    Producers    Marketers    Stage Designers   Toy Designers   Authors   Hair Stylists   Publishers   Jewelry Design   Singers   Musicians    Visual Technology     Film Makers   Studio Engineers    Painting  Choreographers    Distributors    Fine Arts    Stage Lighting    Song Writers   You   Public Relations   Manufacturers    News Anchors   Worship Leaders  You   and   You 

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