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Join us on April 22nd   12:30 - 2:30 PM EST 

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P R A Y E R   R A L L I E S 

Prayer WALK 

Adjust Student Schedules

Attend Workshops to Prepare


Watch From Your Own Location

Learn the Songs & Dances

Send Entourage to Participate in FLOW

Request Community Service Time to Attend


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Have Students Bring Prayer 

Posters & Banners!

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Get Materials to Walk with within Your OWN           AMERICA PROCLAIMS REGION!!

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This is a 4One Event Sponsored by 


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Connect... Connect... Connect


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Reach Out Schools

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Schedule one or a Series of Ministry & Evangelism in the Arts educational & arts experiences for your Students. 

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Get your Students - at Home, and from Home School - involved in STUDENT REACH. 

Maximize Your Influence in their Lives to Embrace and Advance a God Agenda.


This is most important at this time on the earth, in these last days. Discover more about your role as a parent of Christ centered children.  

Contact us at


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Increase the knowledge  & know how of Students to Engage Culture from a God Viewpoint. This is critical in times like these.


Your Students need Christ Centered strategies and guidance that assists them in understanding their rights and in standing their ground as Believers using Biblical & principled foundations of truth. Be supported in these efforts. 

Contact us at



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Cultivate the Gifts & Talents of Young People while Preparing Them to STAND and to Advance the Kingdom of God in the Earth.


Prepare Students to live their lives going against the tide and maintaining Biblical Worldviews while teaching others to do the same in a society turning darker each day. Connect with others who do the same. 

Contact us at

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Use This Platform to Engage Young People in Your Sphere of Influence to Move Boldly & In Love to Fulfill the Purpose of God in their Lives. 


Practice makes perfect and in these times and until the end, Christian Young People of all ages will encounter and be encountered. Help them engage others with a godly surefootedness and to give an account for the faith in which they stand - until Christ's Return. 

Contact us at

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Worship of God, for Children, is just as important and relevant as it is for adults. Schedule META's workshop, All the Time Song for  0 -3, 3 - 5, & 6 -12 year olds. Learn original worship music written for Children that will take their tender hearts to the throne room of our God.


Be certain to position your Students to learn the songs Holy Spirit has prepared. They each sensitize children to His Presence and Will for their lives. Children will also be in position to minister to the Lord, together, with children all over the world, who embrace an atmosphere where there's... All the Time Song.    

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Singin' Up sets the atmosphere for Teens to lift their voices & their hearts to express adoration to our God. Original and cover songs lead Teens into intimate times with the Lord.


In these "cancel culture" and "post Christian" times, positioning Teens where God's Glory can saturate their Souls is vital. Stand your Teens in Holy Spirit's presence. Schedule Singin' Up for your Teens and let them go... Up into the Presence of the Lord our God. 


Teach Me to Pray: The Child & Teen Intercessor has provided this Instructor's own Grandchildren a place to lay their hearts before the Lord. Here, in this workshop, we position young people to talk with God and to learn how to take issues they know of, to Him, in heartfelt intimate expressions, and expectations of Him.


Schedule Teach Me to Pray: The Child & Teen Intercessor  for your young people, and watch them grow in their ability to communicate with God on behalf of others. Designed for ages 6-12, & 13+.   

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We hope you're ready to FLOW! Feel Like Offering Worship gives Movement Participants in our 4One Events, a chance to express worship in unique ways. Join us for a time of true expressions in worship of our God.


Our hope is that you will allow Holy Spirit to schedule you into our 4One events. Tell us about your Movement Gifts, Talents, and Skills. FLOW is available to people of all ages.


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1 - 5 Years 

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6 - 12 Years 

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13 - 17 Years 

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18+ Years

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