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Parents, Protect Against the REAL Terrorists

Ladies, Are You Registered for 
Jaspers In the Morning?

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Please take time to visit The ACLJ website to Sign the Petition against Investigating Parents as Terrorists . Here

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Help FREE Precious Leah Sharibu

Selia Darlene Bervine Ministries Photo Gallery

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What's the Real Deal with Cosplay and Anime?

We continue to pray for the safe release of Leah Sharibu, held by Boko Haram, in Nirgeria. Leah has been held in captivity since February 2018. She is being held because she refused to denounce Christianity when captured with over 200 Nigerian School Girls. Please pray for Leah's Release. You may read an update on Leah Here


Please GIVE towards Leah Sharibu's Release Here.


We are ALL responsible for what we buy, sell, give, use, create and celebrate. Learn More

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Are your Children, Teens and Others Toying Around with Cosplay and Anime art? Perhaps you think they’re getting in touch with their creative side... Well look again... I added a Mother’s story in ArtFACTS's comments of how these, and more, influenced her Daughter into Transgenderism.  Check this story out in AMERICA PROCLAIMS: ArtiFACTS on Facebook

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You, as Christ Centered Leaders of all ages are sought to bring your excellence to People throughout the world. Topics from health to cooking, and child safety to building barns can be shared  through Leaders in Enrichment and Development aka LED. Let's Talk!

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Join us from ALL 14 US REGIONS and Beyond for AMERICA PROCLAIMS' 

P R A Y E R   R A L L I E S 

1st Student Reach PRAYER WALK of 2024 

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024, 7 - 8 PM (EST) Philadelphia, PA Please REGISTER HERE

In Philly? Join Us Face to Face.

In Other REGIONS? Connect via ZOOM IN & FOR Your REGION.

Register & Bring STUDENTS with Flags, PRAYER POSTERS & BANNERS

                Request Community Service                    Time for STUDENTS! 

              Get Them There to Walk & Pray               with us in Your REGION.

Watch From Your Own Location.

Learn the Songs & Dances.

Send Entourage to Participate in FLOW.

Get Materials to Walk within Your OWN AMERICA PROCLAIMS REGION!!

Adjust Student Schedules. 

Attend Workshops to Prepare.


Throughout the Nation, lawlessness in the hearts of the Wicked - some as Citizens who are teens, children and adults, and others as Illegal Immigrants being spread throughout the land by our country's leadership  - is reeking havoc through their brokenness and their violence. We must take our place as Intercessors, Prayer Warriors and Concerned Citizens of the Most High God, to STAND and Prevail against This Wickedness.

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This 4One Event is Sponsored by AMERICA PROCLAIMS

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P R A Y E R   R A L L I E S 

2Chronicles 7:14 " If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

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Isaiah 60:18 "Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise."

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Living Sacrifice Vocals - Selia Darlene Bervine Songwriter - Selia Darlene Bervine 3.Selia Darlene Bervine Keyboards, James Crumbly
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Let's Get "Living Sacrifice"   to The Nations 

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I wrote "Living Sacrifice" in May 1988. It was written for children and teens. But each time that I sung it, the combined lyrics and melody snatched and

 captured my heart.,, and quite frankly... have never let go. And whether I hear children or teens perform it, or I minister it, Holy Spirit has the floor. He is in charge. Living Sacrifice is a Prayer song to our God. Living Sacrifice gives you and me a time of  intimate dialogue about our thoughts... about the pure and holy thoughts God has toward us. And then we find our hearts dripping in full submission to Him, offering our minds and thoughts to Him, as... You Guessed it... a Living Sacrifice


I would like to take this Prayer song to the Nations, and I need your help in doing so. Would you help me raise funds to take this Prayer into the recording studio, with Anointed Musicians, Worshippers of all ages, and Powerful Intercessors - there to bathe the atmosphere on behalf of all who will be Blessed to listen? 


Join us in Sharing Living Sacrifice with millions of men, women, teens and children. I would like to Record and have - at least - this song as a Single, by July 2022. The Nations - like You and I - can truly benefit from this heartfelt prayer. The Spirit of God, I believe, will use it to knit many, many hearts, with His own.     


Hey, email me, placing in the Subject Line:  "I'll Help to Get Living Sacrifice to the Nations".  I will respond, providing you with details concerning this Gospel-focused, fund raising experience. I will keep you in the loop as we move through recording, production, and the final release of the finished product. 


I love you all so much. Thank you again for helping to get the Gospel in song to the Nations! 


Rev Selia 



John 15:2   “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”

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