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Reach Out provides Christians within all sectors of society a chance to be educated on the impact of Creative Works &  the Arts to Pop Culture in America.


Reach Out empowers Christians with information they need to become Christ Centered in their approach to, and use of Creative Works & the Arts.


Reach Out helps Christians - artists and non artists to become missional  in their delivery of the Arts & Creative Works. Our goal through Outreach is to increase Christians' understanding of the concept of "Arts Missions to the United States of America", and to increase their commitment to engage in such ministry activities, and events, within their sphere of influence. Cities across America experience moral deprivation and spiritual decay, and Christians of all ages and denominations are unclear as to their own world views and standards to live by. 


According to a 2007 Barna Group Study, 46% of Christians deny Satan’s existence. 49% of Hispanics, 41% African Americans, and 40% Caucasians "agree with the idea that when Jesus Christ lived on earth, he committed sins." In one set of results, one out of every six Christian parents surveyed about music CDs, bought music for their children; and one out of every three of these parents had concerns about the CD's content, particularly music they purchased for teens. 


Identified as a conduit through which pop culture has influenced many who are without clear values and Christlike virtues, the Arts & Creative Works can potentially be used to help people live out their lives as Christ Centered Believers.


AMERICA PROCLAIMS is mandated to encourage revival in the hearts of Born Again Christians. We use Christ Centered Arts to bring the Body of Christ together beyond denominations and races, and all for the purpose of seeing God's Great Salvation in America, along with Christian Influences on pop culture in America. Whether you take in the arts, give it out, or reclaim or heal after its impact, you should discover through Reach Out, the huge impact of Christ Centered Creative Works & Arts in shaping pop culture, and the necessity of Arts Missions to America! 


Learn more about Reach Out by contacting us through one of the 4 Outreaches above. 







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