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“Biblical or Political Correctness: Weighing It All In The Balance”

Here is a piece originally written for NoteTaker back on January 20, 2020. It was revised on July 25, 2024.

It's Just Great to See How People Are Waking Up. God is Moving. If Ever We - as Believers - Need to Stand for Platforms that Please God...It is Now!! I have NEVER Focused So Heavily on Politics.

But I tell You, Politics has involved itself in SO Much of What can Lead People Deeper into Darkness and Further Away from God, that There is Just NO Way to Turn Our Backs as Leaders...OR REMAIN SILENT. There is NO WAY.

As an Independent, who has a heart for God and those things that Please HIM, I Stand SOLIDLY on What is Biblical. And since Politics has Stepped into my World I don't Believe God would have me to Shy away from the Issues at hand. I WILL NOT STAND Before God with the BLOOD OF BABIES ON MY HANDS. I WILL NOT STAND BEFORE GOD NOT HAVING CONTENDED FOR THE HEARTS AND NOW BODIES of BROKEN PEOPLE WHO TODAY SAY I'm Male... and Tomorrow...I'm Female.

POLITICIANS Stand in the Face of God - - as if they STAND in the Stead of God to Declare What is So. Well, It is NOT Their Place to Do so. It is Yours and Mine. We Are to Speak as of the Oracles of Assurance of & Confidence in HIS Word...and with Our Foreheads as a FLINT...and You Know How...You Haven't Forgotten.

Be Very Careful...if You Stand in God's Stead, before His People, as a Social Justice Christian, where you fight for "People Issues" Above "Heart Issues" that are Eternal, because then one day, you could find yourself declaring to God all that you did in His Name, to which He would respond...

I Never Knew You...Depart from Me, You Worker of Iniquity!! Matthew 7:21 - 23 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

So, Oh My Goodness, that finger that I point at You means there are several pointing back at me.

So, I tell you how I have been weighing this all out in the balance... I ask myself - - are the issues (now Political Platforms) I fight for or Stand on... Ones that are Self Serving? Do They Benefit ME or a Person's (OWN or) Sole Interest? Does the Issue I fight for Result from Another's Poor Choices or Decisions, and Will the Outcomes I Assist Them With Harm Another Person? Could Innocent Unborn or Born - who Were Known by God BEFORE THEY WERE CONCEIVED in their Mother's Womb - be Harmed by my Support of Someone?

How Will God Feel About it? After all, He Knew about their EVERY HIDDEN Parts - their Cognitive self, their Gifts and Talents...the witty Inventions and songs they'd write...the answers to scientific questions they'd bring... He scored them - inside & out - like a musician scores in a musical arrangement...

Will THAT One be harmed...the One that has no other place to run and hide... the One that cannot shout "STOP IT, You're Hurting Me...the One who was Conceived by the very Act of Those who were designed by God - the One who Declared that what He made was Good... the VERY One who Made Mankind in HIS OWN Image and Likeness...and now because of an Anti-Christ spirit, Politicians Fight with ALL their Might Against the One who Created Them?

Check out the article "Parents, You Aren’t Wrong About the Dangers of Transitioning" by MARIA KEFFLER written June 11, 2024

The Scale is heavily weighed down. And there are Souls Hanging in the Balance. So, when you do your Shout Outs to the People... (Vote for) "Anybody But Trump"... You need to REALLY Understand what You are saying... and that is "He Stands for This ...and “We Fall for Anything". You essentially are encouraging People to center their focus on the Man Trump, and not on the Principles of God that He Stands for. We may not favor everything that he stands for, but look at the other side. Can you really "support platforms" that are filled with iniquity?

The claim that we seek "FREEDOM" as a nation, is one that we all must carefully assess. There is no freedom apart from God, through the Lord Jesus Christ. John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." (NLT) The old you has dropped off. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (NLT) Here's how it reads in the KJV "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

You have changed. You are changing. You are being transformed through the Word of Truth. Romans 12:1, 2 (ESV) "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God."

We must embrace and encourage others to embrace the work of Holy Spirit in our hearts and lives. We cannot support and push darkness. We must look at the Word of God as our guide. We must not allow our skin color, our sexual preferences, our failures or another person's failures to deter us from the Word of Truth - which is the Word of God.


Check This Out - - and while AMERICA PROCLAIMS does not agree with Gender Transitioning, this article shows the cover up and devastation to the children who go through it. It also shows the pushback against those adults in the industry whose eyes are being opened to the devastation associated with, and caused by it.

Even those who do not know and love the Lord Jesus Christ are awakening to the dangers of blindly accepting a child's proclamation of being something different than God's own design for them.

"...For these young people, she told me, 'you have to take time to really assess what’s going on and hear the timeline and get the parents’ perspective in order to create an individualized treatment plan. Many providers are completely missing that step.'

Yet those health care professionals and scientists who do not think clinicians should automatically agree to a young person’s self-diagnosis are often afraid to speak out...

...A report commissioned by the National Health Service about Britain’s Tavistock gender clinic, which, until it was ordered to be shut down, was the country’s only health center dedicated to gender identity, noted that 'primary and secondary care staff have told us that they feel under pressure to adopt an unquestioning affirmative approach and that this is at odds with the standard process of clinical assessment and diagnosis that they have been trained to undertake in all other clinical encounters.'

Of the dozens of students she’s trained as psychologists, Edwards-Leeper said, few still seem to be providing gender-related care. While her students have left the field for various reasons, 'some have told me that they didn’t feel they could continue because of the pushback, the accusations of being transphobic, from being pro-assessment and wanting a more thorough process,' she said.

They have good reasons to be wary. Stephanie Winn, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Oregon, was trained in gender-affirming care and treated multiple transgender patients. But in 2020, after coming across detransition videos online, she began to doubt the gender-affirming model. In 2021 she spoke out in favor of approaching gender dysphoria in a more considered way, urging others in the field to pay attention to detransitioners, people who no longer consider themselves transgender after undergoing medical or surgical interventions. She has since been attacked by transgender activists. Some threatened to send complaints to her licensing board saying that she was trying to make trans kids change their minds through conversion therapy..."

Feb. 2, 2024, By Pamela Paul,


Weigh everything in the balance. Step away from the merchandise. We all will be tempted to "buy in" with the masses or even the few who agree with us as we stand on our varied platforms. I'm going to suggest - quite strongly - An American's Prayer In Black, Brown & White. Read it. Earnestly, Pray Through It. Cry out to God and Pray His Word Out Loud... in Your Hearts as You lay upon your beds. This is a critical time in our nation.

Get alone with God and sing this prayer Living Sacrifice by Selia Darlene Bervine, until it sets itself deep into your Spirit. And while you may say, "Oh, I live holy. I'm not in sin. People should have the right to live their lives as they want to, and as they choose." Sounds good. But don't you stand in front of people from week to week - - or aren't you - - at least praying for someone you love, that they will turn and walk with the Lord? You ought to at least agree with God - - concerning what his Word says in Romans 1:16-32. You ought to send up a wailing on behalf of the people on your street...on the other side of town... the ones who don't look like you... who aren't paid like you...

You remember that game, the one where you have something in one hand and someone must choose the hand that contains it, in order to win. You put your hands behind your back and decide which hand to place the item in. You then bring your closed fists forward... your face blank, and set, so to not expose which hand contains the winning item... those closed fists set equally in front of you. Ohhhh, but this time it's your sensitive granddaughter. And if she doesn't win, her cousins will leave her behind while they go for ice cream at the mall. Hummmmm. How do you clue her in as to which hand holds the winning item? You find a way to get the message to your granddaughter. You're acting like it's a life or death situation. LOL. I can see you now... closing one eye... tilting your head... lifting the closed winning hand. HAHAHAHA!!

Answer this question, my friend, what is more important than eternal life with God? Surely not the little game. You do what the Word of God does in Deuteronomy 30:10 (AMP), You just flat out tell them the truth.

Here's what it says -

"I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,"

Now this is the message that must come from us as TRUE Christ Centered Believers. Some of You will be found wanting - - by choice.


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