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Thank You For Sowing into This Work!

Selia Darlene Bervine Ministries and AMERICA PROCLAIMS are the sources through which you may currently give. To that end please take a look at the thoughts of Individuals whose organizations  we have served through the years.  We have collaborated and partnered to provide education, arts and ministry, since the late 80's. Living Ministries, the original name under which Selia provided servant leadership, has offered a variety of education, services and ministries that continued under LifeQuest Education, in 1995, and Selia Darlene Bervine Ministries, 2009. In 2007, AMERICA PROCLAIMS was birthed, and in 2017, Arts and Culture Connect was brought forth. 


Whether teaching  character development to youth, through Young Voices, ministering healing to all ages through SEASONS CHANGE International,  serving or training communities via Citizen 2 Citizen, training, networking or ministering through Christ Centered performances by adults, children, and teens via AMERICA PROCLAIMS and META or partnering through fund raising and collaborations with other leaders, through The COALITION to Impact Communities  (AMERICA PROCLAIMS), Selia leads a One Body effort to reach the lost and broken in their spiritual, mental and economic status of gleeful wealth or their strain of poverty.


So, again, thank you for sowing, for giving and for caring. We are One Body. And whether or not you physically Go with us, rest assured, we feel your presence through your faithful intercession, one time sponsorship, and monthly giving. There is no way that we can do this work without the help of people like you. 


God Bless You Richly,

Rev. Selia Darlene Bervine 

Rev Selia Darlene Bervine

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Give by the following means:




       using $AMERICAPROCLAIMS                                           using 

                                                                                                    Email us with questions at   




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