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For Parents 

We are excited to present TimeLines Workshops. These workshops are designed to assist parents in providing well-rounded care for their children and for themselves.  Time is short. Patience and parenting skills can be too.


TimeLines will assist your organization, by adding to the foundation already built, through the presentation of tangible tools and support necessary, for personal and family development.


 Our heart is to reach parents in everyday situations with everyday solutions. Solutions that will help when times are tough, these tools will help the tough get going.


Schedule TimeLines for those you care about, today!


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TimeLines Workshops for Parents is a LifeQuest Component. Reach out to LifeQuest by email at

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Special Affects 

Building... Blending & Bridging  Families...Together



Independent Living Education

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Is it time to make a destiny move? Is it time for you to


change careers? Life Protocol Advances offers


workshops through organizations to help newcomers


to the workplace, and others, be intentional towards


success. Contact us today at 

Life Protocol

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Let's Make This a Special Year!

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